Climate Change Impacting Extreme Weather

UV heat passing through the Ozone layer causes extreme weather especially in places near bigger bodies of water or wide, empty spaces with no mountains surrounding them to act as barriers. The higher the temperature gets, the more prone an area becomes to any of the following:

Tropical cyclones
Thunderstorm and lightning storms

These natural disasters occur due to an intense amount of warm air meeting cold air just above the clouds in time for precipitation to occur. Depending on the number of charges generated within the clouds and the direction of …

The Impact of Climate Change on Our Bodies of Water

The ratio of saltwater to freshwater is rated at 5 to 1. That is less than half of the world’s bodies of water altogether including the underground freshwater sources just below sea level. The value of freshwater is usually taken for granted by most people. Lucky for some countries, they already have the technology to convert seawater into potable drinking water.
Freshwater is also home to a large number of species that are not able to survive on seawater alone. Others thrive on brackish water, a type of water freshwater with less salinity compared to saltwater but is a different environment to many sub-species no less. It also …

Health Impacted by Climate Change

In this section, we will be talking about the impacts of climate change on our overall health. The following are several health-concerns made even more dangerous due to exposure to the negative effects of global warming.

Respiratory diseases
Skin cancer

Heatstroke can affect virtually almost anyone. Excessive exposure to heat and sunlight can cause damaging and lasting effects. Even younger people can succumb to this and not just adults in their 40s. Additionally, respiratory diseases like asthma are mostly aggravated by the intensive heat brought about by global warming.
One …

Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems

Natural ecosystems are our main source of resources and nutrition. It is a place where biotic and abiotic factors coexist through a system surrounded by nutrient cycles and energy flows. In these settings, living things grow, thrive, and repopulate. Just like humans, they grow in clusters called habitats depending on their environment and status within the food chain.
But how is this possible?
Animals are keener and more capable of identifying significant changes better than most humans. They can feel the air pressure and detect natural gasses more quickly than ours which accordingly, makes it possible for them to flee or …